Write us an email and describe what kind of game you want to play, where you want to realise it and your goal, we’ll think about all the details.
We don’t have fixed prices. Lexit produces personalised games, starting from specific objectives. If you want to realise a project with us, contact us for further information.
Of course. Lexit builds escape rooms at home and on demand, based on the clients’objectives. Contact us for further information, describe your place and what king of game you want to host.
Yes, Lexit designs escape games even for promotional purposes, to make your company known to the public in an alternative way, exploiting the story of your firm, its products and services.
We don’t have a venue, but we can be wherever you want. We mainly operate in Lombardia (Italy), but we can reach you everywhere, even abroad.
Yes, Lexit has experience in the production of games to be built at home, without the need of meeting the client directly, using printable material and teaching you how to use it autonomously.
They are escape rooms designed to test your own level of proficiency, of as a testing tool about language learning. Lexit’s founders are language teachers and they have been working for many years in the most varied contexts. Write us for more information.
It is a project about language learning 100% personalised. Depending on the program of the language course that you will decide to attend, we will design an escape game where you will find all the topics and structures studied during the course, so that you will be able to test your improvements.
Yes, Lexit collaborates with organizations, companies, privates and associations, and everyone who is interested in buying a fully personalised game, to be run autonomously, or with our collaboration.
If you decide to buy one of our escape rooms, we will provide all the training necessary to run it, and we will be at your disposal for updates and consulting.
Yes, it is possible to rent a pre-existing project, or ask for a new one to be used one or many times. Write us for a quotation.
We develop projects based on the shared creation of escape rooms, in collaboration with associations and cooperatives, schools and organizations that have the goal of developing or enhancing skills.
Yes, Lexit works even for charitable causes, both for fundraising, and awareness raising activities.